Veteran Helpful Resources

“New Century” American Legion Post Announces Membership Sponsorship

NEW HAVEN, CONN. — The American Legion New Haven Post 210 has established a sponsorship program for student veterans interested in learning more about veteran service organizations.

The Student-Veterans Leadership Sponsorship is available to service members and military veterans who are enrolled at a Connecticut college or university and who are in a leadership position at their school. Eligible students will receive a free American Legion Post 210 membership and will be recognized by the post at a subsequent meeting. Because the program is a pilot, sponsorships are limited to one per institution.

Post Senior Vice Commander Thania Rivera, who is currently in the Master of Science In Cellular and Molecular Biology program at the University of New Haven, advocated for the creation of the sponsorship to foster closer ties between student veterans and the largely Post-9/11 veterans in American Legion New Haven Post 210.

Post Commander Charles M. Pickett said Post 210 will be reaching out to the three Student Veterans of America chapters at Yale University, Southern Connecticut State University, and the University of New Haven, and regional institutions including Quinnipiac University, Gateway Community College,  and Albertus Magnus College. 

Additionally, all student veterans are invited to the New Haven Harbor #VetHike, an easy 6.2 mile hike around the harbor on Saturday, September 14, 2019. Full hike details are at

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