From the American Legion’s Post Adjutant’s Manual and the Application for Post of The American Legion (Temporary Charter).
- You need 15 eligible veterans in Connecticut to ask for a temporary charter application (you don’t need signatures)
- A tentative draft should be made of a post constitution before the organizational meeting
- The organizer should call the meeting to order, outline its purposes, and point out the following facts (30).
- Fill out Application for Post of The American Legion (Temporary Charter)
- Fill out Annual Post Data Report
- If there is an American Legion post in town, application must be presented to Department Executive Committee and read without action. Posts in same town must be notified of application and “granted an opportunity to present such evidence as they deem necessary to the Department Executive Committee in full session.”
- Organizational Meeting:
- Read bullet points on pg. 30
- The organizer should then call for nominations for a temporary chairman and secretary. Once elected, these officers will take charge of proceedings.
- The suggested constitution should be discussed and the approved form adopted.
- Temporary chair name a committee to consider a name for the post.
- A list should be compiled of those in attendance, including full name, name of the last organization with which they served, date of separation from military service and current local address.
- Name committee report.
- Nominations for following officers:
- Post Commander
- Post Vice Commander
- Post Adjutant
- Post Service Officer
- Post Finance Officer
- Post Historian
- Post Chaplain
- Post Sergeant-At-Arms
- Newly elected officers assume their duties
- New commander immediately name standing committees
- Membership committee (instructed to canvas for new members, blank applications)
- If no problems, then Department Executive Committee forwards application to National Headquarters.
- If no problems, then National Headquarters issues temporary charter.
- Can I apply for an EIN here and file an inclusion letter?
- Temporary charter must remain open for 90+ days but be closed within one year.
- Obtain DMS or headquarters post members list in area from department headquarters for targeted mailing
- When ready, post applies for permanent charter.
- When recieved, post should incorporate.
- Can I apply for an EIN here and file an inclusion letter?
- When incorporated, post should apply for a supplemental charter and a new EIN
- Send this EIN and inclusion letter (in packet) to National to be listed as a tax-exempt charter of The American Legion [sent on Sept. 30].
- Here is where I send my last EIN with an inclusion letter.